SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA ANDALUZA MARISMAS DEL ROCIO, which manages this website (hereinafter the “MANAGER”), publishes this document for users of the website in accordance with the obligations detailed in Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LISSEC), BOE no.166, and hereby informs all users of the website of its conditions of use.
Anyone who accesses this website shall be considered a user and agrees to adhere to and com-prehensively comply with all the provisions stated herein and any other legally applicable provisions.
SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA ANDALUZA MARISMAS DEL ROCIO reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website and is under no obligation to give advance notification or make users aware of these obligations by any other means other than publication on the SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA ANDALUZA MARISMAS DEL ROCIO website.
Domain name:
Business address: PLAZA EL ACEBUCHAL 22 , 21750 EL ROCÍO – ALMONTE (HUELVA)
Telefone: 959430432
The website, including but without limitation to its programming, publishing, compiling and other aspects needed for its operation, designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the MANAGER or it holds a licence or has express authorisation for their use from the authors, where applicable. All the website content is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property legislation and has been recorded in the corresponding public records.
Regardless of the end purpose, any full or partial reproduction, use, operation, distribution and commercialisation must, under all circumstances, be authorised in advance in writing by the MAN-AGER. Any use without prior authorisation shall considered a serious infringement of the author’s intellectual or industrial copyright.
Designs, logos, text and/or graphics that do not belong to the MANAGER and that may appear on the website are the property of their respective owners, who shall be liable for any conflict that may arise in relation to this property. The MANAGER gives express authorisation to third parties to di-rectly link to the specific content of the website, under all circumstances linking to the home page of
The MANAGER declares that the intellectual and industrial property rights related to any such property are held by these third parties and their mere mention or appearance on the website does not confer any rights, liability, endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation in relation to them.
Any observations with regard to a possible infringement of intellectual or industrial copyright or concerning any of the website content, may be made by emailing
The MANAGER is exempt for any liability related to the information published on its website when this information has been manipulated or entered by a third party.
Use of cookies
This website may use technical cookies (small information files that the server sends to the com-puter of anyone who accesses the webpage) to perform specific functions that are essential for the website to operate and be viewed correctly. Any cookies used will, at all times, be session cookies that have the sole purpose of making browsing more efficient and they shall be deleted when the user’s session ends. Under no circumstances shall these cookies provide personal data them-selves, nor shall they be used to gather personal data.
Cookies may also be used so that the server hosting the website recognises the browser used by the user to make browsing easier, permitting, for example, previously registered users to access areas, services, promotions or competitions that are exclusively reserved for them without the need to register again on each visit. Cookies may also be used to measure visitor numbers and traffic parameters, to control the progress and number of visitors, etc., and in these cases the cookies used shall be technically essential and beneficial to the user. This website shall not install essential cookies without the user’s prior consent.
Users may configure their browser so they are notified when cookies are received and to prevent them from being installed on their equipment. Please check your browser’s instructions for more detailed information.
Links policy
It is possible that users of the website may be redirected to content belonging to third party web-sites. Given that the MANAGER cannot always control the content published by third parties on their respective websites, it shall not be held liable for this content. The MANAGER shall, under all circumstances, proceed to immediately remove any content that may contravene Spanish or inter-national legislation, public morals or public order, immediately removing the link to the website in question and informing the relevant authorities of this content.
The MANAGER shall not be held liable for the information and content that is stored in, including but not limited to, forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks and any other medi-um that permits third parties to independently publish content on the MANAGER’s website. How-ever, in accordance with articles 11 and 16 of the LISSEC, it shall be at the disposal of all users, authorities and security forces, actively collaborating to remove or, where applicable, block any content that could affect or contravene Spanish or international legislation, the rights of third parties or public morals and order. In the event that the user believes there is content on the website that could be classified as such, they are requested to inform the website administrator immediately.
This website has been checked and tested to ensure it works correctly. In principle, it is guaranteed to work correctly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, the MANAGER cannot rule out the possibility of certain programming errors, or events due to force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar situations that make it impossible to access the website.
IP Addresses
The website’s servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it is connected to the inter-net. All this information is recorded in a duly recorded server activity file that permits data to be subsequently processed to obtain purely statistical readings regarding the number of times webpages are printed, the number of visits to web servers, the sequence of visits, the access point, etc.
Spanish law will be applicable to resolve any conflicts or issues related to this website or the activi-ties provided through it and the parties expressly submit to Spanish law. The courts and tribunals closest to EL ROCÍO – ALMONTE shall be the competent authorities used to resolve any conflicts derived from or related to use of the website.